Molly’s Arrival, Daily Horse Care Plus Exciting Sourdough News! (A Wonderful Lydia & Colin Visit)

This week, I’m sharing a little more about Miss Molly’s arrival and settling in. She came over from Ireland and has been adjusting well, and is full of the most glorious personality—especially at supper time! I take you through my daily horse care routine, such as checking legs for any heat, lumps, or changes, making sure they’re all happy and comfortable. It’s so important to be thorough, responsible and establish a care routine immediately.

I had a really exciting day heading up to Lydia’s to teach her how to make sourdough! This is something I get asked about all the time, so I’ve decided to make my sourdough method available as a Mini-Masterclass - I’ll link them down below. I’m also thrilled to be demonstrating sourdough at the South Downs Festival of Food & Fizz on 22nd March—details are also in the description!

While at Lydia’s, we had a wonderful catch-up over a homemade lunch, and I got to visit Colin, who, while happy and well, was more interested in treats than seeing me! On the way home, I took a little detour past my childhood home, which was quite emotional, especially with it being a year since Dad passed.

Back home, Tess seems much brighter, Santana is progressing well in schooling, and I wrapped up the day with a long chat with my dear friend Theodore, catching up on life and making plans. The week ended with a busy and blustery day with the horses before heading out for a much-needed girls’ night out!

Do come along to join us, and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube so you never miss a thing.

Love, Charlie x

Find Out More About My Sourdough Masterclasses -

Products, Brands & Mentions:

South Downs Festival of Food & Fizz –

Bramhams of Buckingham -

H&M -

46 Stitch -

Percy & Reed -

Lydia Millen -

Theodore Leaf -


Q&A Part 2: Puppies, Parenting, Homemaking, Proposals & Business Insights!


Answering Your Questions About Family, Food & Life! (An Ask Charlie Q&A)